The following are sites that I reference fairly regularly. I hope they will prove as useful to you as they have to me.
- Convergence Culture Consortium
- Project New Media Literacies
- This Blog Sits at the Intersection of Anthropology and Economics
- Steven Berlin Johnson
- The Long Tail
- Ludology
- Game Tycoon
- Boing Boing
- Water Cooler Games
- Grand Text Auto
- apophenia
- Mimi Ito
- Scott McCloud
- Sequential Tart
- Neil Gaiman
- Interstitial Arts Foundation
- Smart Mobs
- Ilya Vedrashko
- Geoffrey Long
- Blog of a Blind Bookworm
- Brenda Laurel
- Flow
- Project Good Luck
- The Heather Show
- Online Fandom
- Derek Kompare
- Center for Social Media
- MacArthur Series ReBlog
- Friends Talking Podcast
- Media Commons
- Observations on Film Art…
- JustTv